How Funding Works 

WFCT has something called a non-contestable fund. This means we don't take applications, instead we work proactively, within existing and new relationships in Ōtautahi to determine what change we can contribute to achieving. We focus our resources (funding, expertise, time) on organisations and grass roots projects with a 'systems change' approach.  This is about addressing the causes (instead of the symptoms) of the societal issues that impact young people. Click on the images to see the objective of our work in each change specific focus area and the projects we have supported:

Thinking our mahi might align? What next?

Here’s how the process looks;

1.       Jenn and/or Jess gets an email or phone call from somebody looking for funding/support.

2.       From here we try to establish if the project/organisation aligns with our priority areas and objectives by asking questions and engaging in bit of whanaunatanga.

3.      If our mahi aligns- your project falls into one of the 6 project areas, addresses the objectives within that area and has a systems approach- we’ll work together to present to our board so they can make a decision around if and how we can support.